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The Plans

Click the PDF to see the entire set of blueprints. Then click donate so we can finish this dream and open our doors.

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Top fraternity expert in U.S. says our pro forma, timelines show conclusively that 2019 Centennial project is 'viable'

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Click on the letter to enlarge or click the PDF to download

Our new 23-page pro forma constructed by Steve Malin of TreanorHL “…illustrates a balanced project suitable for further investment. The proposed costs...are well within the range of other facilities of this type. The finance strategy appears to be both viable in that the cash required is substantially on hand and the funds proposed to be borrowed..appear to be achievable based on the modeled terms, interest rate, loan duration and proposed equity investment (cash and land). The annual operations Pro forma appear to be aligned with the local market.”




The pro forma has crafted a business model that builds a 50-man house but can fully maintain loan payments and all other functions at just 28 tenants.


Further, we've built a monthly housebill contribution toward a fund that will build a new chapter house in 75-100 years. But that fund can be tapped to cover all expenses in the unlikely event there is a dire emergency in the future.


For a full copy of the pro forma, call 206.512.6544.

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GUIDESTAR GOLD SEAL:  We're proud to have been awarded a Gold Seal by America's leading charity monitoring agency. Click the icon to go see our GuideStar profile, legally incorporated as "Beta Upsilon Sigma Chi Club". Further, the Sigma Chi Foundation is also highly rated by GuideStar.

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